
Monday, October 31, 2016

Tot School: Body Parts, What's Inside

Awk, I'm still a blog post behind! On Friday, we had our last body parts lesson, which was on what is inside - bones, muscles, and organs. We started our lesson with Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes and read all of our body books.

None of the books really covered what's inside the body, so I brought out my laptop and pulled up (appropriate) pictures of what we look like on the inside and briefly explained to Emma the importance and functions of everything inside. She's now obsessed with skeletons because she thought the bones were so cool, haha.

For our first activity, we made a skeleton out of q-tips (though I made the skull way too small). I pointed to Emma's body and told her where all the bones can be found inside and how they hold us up, help us move around, and get things done.

After we were done talking about the skeleton, we moved on to our next activity, which was an organ dot marker printable. I love how this website made one for the brain, heart, lungs, stomach, and intestines. I showed Emma all of them and explained what they do, but we choose the stomach to work on.  She's getting better with dotting the circles!

This section was so much fun to talk about. It's definitely something we haven't brought up before! This afternoon we're going to have a special Halloween lesson, so I will try to post that in a timely manner, though we have a busy day ahead of us. On Wednesday, we're going to be talking about textures and on Friday we're going to discuss patterns.

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