
Friday, September 16, 2016

Tot school: Color blue

For our last tot school lesson of the week, we talked about the color blue. Emma didn't seem to be too into it today. I'm thinking maybe my activities were a little too much for her? I'm trying to do something different every lesson so it keeps her interest, but today wasn't one of those days! Anyway, here's what we did.

We started, of course, by dressing up in blue, singing Our Primary Colors, and reading all of our books about colors in our personal collection. Our special book of the day was The Artist Who Painted A Blue Horse by Eric Carle (see, I told you we liked his work). This book would be really good to use for learning colors in general, so I'm thinking we'll continue to read it next week as we finish up colors.

The first activity we did was go through Emma's toys and put all of her blue ones in a box. She didn't seem to understand this concept as she kept trying to put other colors in the box, but she enjoyed doing it!

We then went into the kitchen where I had stacked our blue cups into a pyramid and tried to get her to knock them over with her blue globe ball. This really concerned her, however. She much preferred just stacking the cups. So, I improvised and put a couple of her little blue circles under the cups, mixed them around, and had her find where they were. She actually enjoyed that pretty well.

Afterwards, I tried to have her separate her blue blocks from the rest of her blocks, but she was just not getting it. I ended up doing it myself and had her stack them as that's what she's into today, apparently!

We ended with her coloring on her little while board with a blue marker. She's been wanting to do this again since Monday, so we ended the lesson on a happy note. Again, the lesson took around 30 minutes. Overall, I think our first week of tot school went well. Having them on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays work great. My friend, Nicole, wants to start going to the park on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so this works perfectly with the tot school schedule. Yesterday, we walked through the local community garden together with our kids (a great way to review colors and talk about different types of food). Emma seemed to really enjoy herself! I think this routine will be good for her.

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